There are multiple approaches for removing all the child elements of DOM node using JavaScript.innerHTMLClearing innerHTML is simple, however, it might be unsuitable for high-performance applications as it invokes the browser's HTML parser:
Jquery empty() remove() detach() 方法的区别 方法简介: empty() This method removes not only child (and other descendant) elements, but also any text within the set of matched elements. This is because, according to the DOM specification, any string of text within an element is considered a...
The jQuery empty() method removes all child elements as well as other descendant elements and the text content within the selected elements from the DOM.The following example will remove all the content inside of the elements with the class .container on click of the button....
所以稳妥起见,还是利用detach这一神器吧。 下面是一个demo,首先对#container元素绑定click事件(事件委托),然后利用detach将其脱离文档,然后再创建两个child元素,追加到#container元素中,最后将#container重新添加到body后。 <!DOCTYPE html>jQuerydiv.monkey, #container{width:120px;height:120px;line-height:60px;}d...
❮ jQuery HTML/CSS Methods Example Remove all elements: $("button").click(function(){ $("p").remove(); }); Try it Yourself » Definition and Usage The remove() method removes the selected elements, including all text and child nodes. This ...
ThereplaceChild()takes the old node you want to replace and the new node. The jQuery’sempty()function removes the content and all child nodes from a particular element. The HTML Code remains the same (except for the last example, you have to include the jQuery library in thetag), but ...
The jQueryempty()method removes the child elements of the selected element(s). Example $("#div1").empty(); Try it Yourself » Filter the Elements to be Removed The jQueryremove()method also accepts one parameter, which allows you to filter the elements to be removed. ...
最近项目中用到了这几个方法,感觉很大程度上有些相似,查了Jquery的api,同时也找了很多博客文章,发现还是理解不到区别。最后在很多材料和自己的事例验证中,终于找到了区别,不敢独占特拿出来分享。 方法简介: empty() This method removes not only child (and other descendant) elements, but also any text withi...
如果使用上述语法中的第二种方法, 即没有使用 oldChild 来保存对这个节点的引用, 则认为被移除的节点已经是无用的, 在短时间内将会被内存管理回收. 而题主标注的 不会从jQuery对象中删除,也一样,题主可以在页面随便找一个jQuery dom看看,比如 var t = $('#test'); t.remove(); 这里t就是一个jQuery...
The remove() method in jQuery is used to remove the selected element(s) from the DOM (Document Object Model). It removes both the element and its contents, including child elements and text. Syntax: $(selector).remove(); The remove() method can also be used with a parameter which sp...