Remove a Splinter Under Your Fingernail How toTape a Broken Pinky Toe How toRemove Surgical Staples How toPainlessly Remove a Splinter How toRemove a Deep Splinter How toDetermine if a Cut Needs Stitches How toSplint a Finger How toRemove Pus from a Wound How toAttend to a Stab Wound ...
Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published Submit Warnings Be sure not to break it into smaller pieces. You Might Also Like How to Get a Splinter Out How toRemove a Splinter with Baking Soda How toRemove a Splinter Under Your Fingernail How toTape a...
You can also try gently digging under the splinter with a cleaned fingernail to help dislodge and bring it closer to the surface. Before attempting to remove a splinter from someone else, especially a child, try the baking soda method on your own splinter first. This allows you to perfect...