Use theiptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING [line-number]command to delete the rule. Replace[line-number]with the rule’s line number. For example, if the SNAT rule is the 4th rule in thePOSTROUTINGchain, the command would be: sudo iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING 4 1. This will remove the...
rule:=iptRule{ipv:ipv,table:iptables.Mangle,chain:"POSTROUTING",args:args} iferr:=programChainRule(rule,"MASQUERADE",enable);err!=nil{ returnerr } } robmryaddedstatus/0-triagekind/enhancementEnhancements are not bugs or new features but can improve usability or performance.area/networkingarea/ne...
After the ‘iptables –flush’, if you restart the iptables, you’ll see all the default rules again. So, –flush is only temporary. # service iptables stop # service iptables start # iptables --list Permanently remove all the default firewall rules Before deleting all the firewall rules, ...
add_service wan-start 'cru a run-iptables "*/1 * * * * /opt/etc/"' # 每个周日的 5: 25 升级一次 geosites 数据. add_service wan-start 'cru a update_geodata "25 5 * * 0 /opt/etc/"' /jffs/scripts/wan-start # # 如果DHCP 重新分配 IP ...
output_des = to_text(process.system_output('iptables-save'))"%s"% ipt, output_des, re.M):"Find iptable rule %s after net destroyed"% ipt)ifipt6_rules: output_des = to_text(process.system_output('ip6tables-save'))foriptinipt6_rules:ifre...
insertIptablesRule(Chain.INPUT, Protocol.TCP, 3306, Policy.ACCEPT))); new VogellaExampleAccess("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", mariadb.getAttribute(DatastoreCommon.DATASTORE_URL)).readModifyAndRevertDataBase(); } } 代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-software-base private static Machine...
insertIptablesRule(Chain.INPUT, Protocol.TCP, 3306, Policy.ACCEPT))); new VogellaExampleAccess("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", mysql.getAttribute(DatastoreCommon.DATASTORE_URL)).readModifyAndRevertDataBase(); } } 代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.brooklyn/brooklyn-software-database public void test(String...
Hi. Today I ran into the dreaded "You are attempting to remove the meta-package 'proxmox-ve'!" error when trying to update a proxmox host from 7.0-11 to...
output_des = to_text(process.system_output('iptables-save'))"%s"% ipt, output_des, re.M):"Find iptable rule %s after net destroyed"% ipt)ifipt6_rules: output_des = to_text(process.system_output('ip6tables-save'))foriptinipt6_rules:ifre...
"rule-providers", "rules", ]; pub const OTHERS_FIELDS: [&str; 31] = [ "dns", "tun", "ebpf", "hosts", "script", "profile", "payload", "tunnels", "auto-redir", "experimental", "interface-name", "routing-mark", "redir-port", "tproxy-port", "iptables", "external-ui", "...