在Linux系统中,我们有时候删除文件夹的时候,提示rm: cannot remove `dir-name’: Directory not empty,即使使用sudo或者root用户也无法删除,那是因为系统存在使用或者执行文件夹中可执行程序,我们只需要执行命令: lsof 文件名 找到那些程序在使用文件夹中的文件。然后使用:kill 命令结束进程,如:kill 2739 然后就可以...
In Linux, whenever you want to delete a file, you’d use the rm command. When it comes to deleting a directory, however, things get a bit complex. To delete a directory, there’s a dedicated toolrmdirthat can remove empty directories. What if the target directory contains a bunch of u...
If the directory iswrite-protected, the command line interface will request confirmation before deleting. To delete a directory in Linux without confirmation, use the-rfoption. rm -rf Simple-Directory You can also use thermcommand to remove empty directories in Linux. However, you need the-dopti...
If it still displaying Directory not empty that's mean that the directory is being used. try to close it or check which program is using it then re use the command. How do I touch a file in Linux? Touch command Syntax to create a new file: You can create a single file at a time...
To be prompted before deletions, use the -i option. To see a line of output for each deletion, use the -v (verbose) option. For complete options and examples, see our Linux rm command reference.Related information To remove an empty directory in Linux, use rmdir. See our Linux rmdir ...
2. Delete a Directory in Linux Using the rmdir Command The Linuxrmdircommand removes empty directories only. The command uses the following syntax: rmdir [options] [directory name] Thermdircommand includes the following options: --ignore-fail-on-non-empty: Doesn't show an error message when tr...
How to delete files in Linux Let me show you various cases of removing files. 1. Delete a single file If you want to remove a single file, simply use the rm command with the file name. You may need to add the path if the file is not in your current directory. ...
Occasionally, you may want to remove a file or directory from your system. Luckily Ubuntu and Linux, in general, provide a simple tool that we can use to delete files. LATEST VIDEOS The command we will show you how to use to remove files and directories on Ubuntu is the “rm” command...
It needs to delete twice the directory which under NFS share and shows "Directory not empty" error. e.g. Raw # mkdir test # cd test/ # cat /etc/yum.conf > file1 # cat /etc/yum.conf >> file1 # cd .. # rm -rf test/ # rm: cannot remove 'test/': Directory not empty # ...
安装cuda10.2报错:[ERROR]: boost::filesystem::remove: Directory not empty: "/var/log/nvidia/.uninstallManifests/" 参考https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44633882/article/details/108614914,将命令改为:sudo ./cuda_10.2.89_440.33.01_linux.run --librarypath=/usr/local/cuda-10.2即可...