Stretch Marks & Cellulite TreatmentsThere are a couple of options you may qualify for, so depending on the area and extent of the concern, depends what is recommended by your Practitioner.CelluliteStretch marksMost common areas are:🔸 Thighs 🔸 Hips 🔸 Bottom 🔸 Abdomen 🔸 Breasts 🔸...
The vertical scar of the original left mastopexy incision has contracted and the tissues have thinned out to give her a bifid-like breast. After In the first stage, we removed the implant and filled the resultant tissue laxity with fat graft from her "love handles." One year after her ...
Tumescent or super-wet liposuction: Involves an infusion of saline solution with adrenaline and possibly anesthetic prior to removal of excess fat. Tummy tuck: A surgical procedure, also known as abdominoplasty, to correct the apron of excess skin hanging over your abdomen. Ultrasound-assisted lip...
Location and removal of the implant may be difficult or impossible because the implant is not where it should be. Special procedures, including surgery in the hospital, may be needed to remove the implant. If the implant is not removed, then the effects of Nexplanon will continue for a ...
In lieu of a breast implant removal and lift, some patients opt for fat transfer breast augmentation to restore some of the lost volume and avoid feeling flat after breast implant removal. Excess fat is removed from another area of the body—often the abdomen, flanks, or thighs—via liposucti...
Another one of the major health effects associated with asbestos is asbestosis. Asbestosis is the buildup of scar tissue in the lungs, and it is often times mistaken for lung cancer. It is actually the covering of the lungs, which have become thickened and damaged from the asbestos exposure...
The concept of selective photothermolysis was first presented by Anderson and Parrish in 1983. Using this process, based on two important concepts, thermal damage is confined to the particular target tissue. The first concept is thatchromophores(e.g., hair, blood vessels, melanosomes/pigment) are...
The fetus was in the right abdomen and the femur was visualized clearly. A little amount of amniotic fluid surrounded the fetus. The head was not visualized by ultrasound but there was a regular fetal heart rate. The patient reported recent vaginal bleeding but maternal vital signs was stable ...
Liposuction for men is a highly popular surgical procedure designed to remove excess and stubborn fat cells from the body, resulting in a contoured and defined appearance. Areas of Liposuction that are frequently chosen by male patients include the abdomen, flanks, back and chin, and all ...
The rate of fibroid reoccurrence is approximately 15%. Adhesions (bands of scar tissue between organs that can form after surgery or trauma) occur in 15–53% of women postoperatively. Alternatives Hysterectomy (partial or full removal of the uterus) is a common alternative to myomectomy. The ...