Nuclear Carbonization/Gasification of Biomass to Produce Biochar and Biofuel for Effective Removal of CO2 from AtmosphereAll the energy required for the process is supplied by nuclear heat or electricity, which sum up to 1.7 GtonO.E./Year (GtonO.E = 109 ton of oil equivalent thermal unit) ...
DCarbon capture—or the removal of CO, from the atmosphere—has been proposed as a potentialapproach for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and limiting global warming. To date, scientistshave put forward several dfferent methods to do this. A team from Cornell College has nowidentified another pot...
Scalable limestone-based direct air capture technology to permanently reduce the level of CO2 in the air. The atmosphere, restored.
Scalable limestone-based direct air capture technology to permanently reduce the level of CO2 in the air. The atmosphere, restored.
Enhanced silicate weathering (ESW) is a geoengineering method aimed at accelerating carbon dioxide (CO2) removal (CDR) from atmosphere by increasing the weathering flux of silicate rocks and minerals. It has emerged as a promising strategy for CDR. Theoretical studies underscore ESW’s substantial po...
With our photobioreactors, we have technically improved this process. As a result, we can remove CO2from the atmosphere on a large scale using sunlight as the primary energy source. Read more News Our Partners Arrhenius AG is a spin-off of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. We...
These strategies combine nature-based solutions with engineered technologies, including Climeworks' cutting-edge Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology, the most reliable and durable way to remove carbon from the atmosphere. With Climeworks, you can focus on reducing what you can. We'll take care...
Emission trajectories produced by integrated assessment models increasingly suggest that gigatonnes of carbon removal will be required to stabilize atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations at safe levels. This can be accomplished using the direct air ca
We propose non–linear models to study the feasibility of removing COfrom the atmosphere by introducing some external species such as liquid droplets and particulate matters in the atmosphere, which may react with this gas and get it removed by gravity. Further, this gas can also be removed by...
“Carbon dioxide removal” is defined by the UN’s climate science body, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), as human activity that captures CO2 from the atmosphere and stores it for decades to millennia in geological, land or ocean reservoirs, or in products. ...