RemotePC允许您立即连接到任何远程计算机,前提是该计算机具有活动的 Internet 连接并且安装了 RemotePC 应用程序。连接快速,传输稳定都是该软件的优点!专属的连接网络频段,保证连接的安全性,保证连接不被泄露不被监听!欢迎下载使用! 软件特色 带有所有功能键的扩展键盘,可从手机访问远程 PC ...
Security is a primary concern when it comes to remote working - a security breach can cause loss of employee data and valuable company resources, hours of downtime. RemotePC ensures all remote connections are secured with TLS v 1.2 / AES 256-bit encryption. ...
"RemotePC is affordable but does't skimp on quality. It performs well, especially between Windows computers, and its business plans cost much less than the competition."PCMag, Justin Pot. Get*90%OffLimited Time Only! Starts from$59.50/year$5.95 ...
在您的移动设备上安装RemotePC应用程序,并可以从任何地方远程访问计算机。 您可以在下班后或即时通过RemotePC应用程序远程连接到办公室或家用计算机,并处理包括电子邮件和应用程序在内的文档。 软件功能 - 通过RemotePC应用程序,您可以立即连接到任何远程计算机,
Access and control your work or personal PC securely from anywhere, any device using RemotePC. Install and configure your PCs for remote access in just a few steps. RemotePC offers several features including file transfer, drag and drop files, video c
以下是RemotePC的使用方法: 1.下载和安装RemotePC客户端: 在两台计算机上(一台作为主机,另一台作为客户端)分别下载并安装RemotePC客户端。RemotePC提供了免费和付费版本,您可以根据需求选择合适的版本。 2.注册和登录: 在安装完成后,运行RemotePC客户端,并根据提示注册一个帐户并登录。如果您已经在RemotePC网站上注册...
Remote into customers computers or iOS and Android devices from anywhere. Why RemotePC™HelpDesk? Remote assistance With an email invite or session code, establish an ad-hoc remote session at request for quick fix. Get near 60 FPS speed during sessions via desktop; use in-session chat, access...
RemotePC Viewer A viewer only set up to access remote computers. Download Viewer Enterprise Plan Mass deployment Download the package on the administrator Mac machine and copy the Configuration ID to remotely deploy to target Macs. Login Now ...