Git 版本库概念 : Git 版本库 Repository 又称为 Git 仓库 , 在系统中的表现就是一个 " 文件目录 ...
在push代码的时候,报了一个[remote rejected] (failed to update ref)的错,简单记录下解决方式1: git config remote.origin.push refs/heads/*:refs/for/* 再push,未成功解决方式2: 观察git push日志,发现 remote: error: cannot lock ref 'refs/heads/release/v500_role_fix':...
git pull git pull --force 是远程仓库没有连上导致的 就好了
git push --set-upstream origin master(master可以根据你的需要自定义,就是当前分支在远程分支对应的名称)
git fetch upstream 报错 XXX Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository,出现这种错误一般是你的密钥错误,需要重新生成。在windows的任意路径打开bash,然后输入命令ssh-keygen-trsa-C邮箱地址默认生成的密钥在/c/Users/用户名/.ssh
完整:git push -set-upstream origin master 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. -u参数可以在推送的同时,将origin 仓库的master 分支设置为本地仓库当前分支的upstream(上游)。添加了这个参数,将来运行git pull命令从远程仓库获取内容时,本地仓库的这个分支就可以直接从origin 的master 分支获取内容,省去了另外添加参数...
Triggering EPO will shut down the rectifier, inverter, charger, and static bypass, but will not disconnect the UPS mains input. To power off the UPS completely, turn off the upstream input switch when you trigger EPO. Set remote EPO for the UPS separately. The UPS cannot share switch c...
chrmartiadded bugIssue identified by VS Code Team member as probable bug upstreamIssue identified as 'upstream' component related (exists outside of VS Code Remote) and removed info-neededIssue requires more information from poster on May 3, 2024 Siddhesh...
I think there's something else going on here - I've been using Obsidian Git for months, and all of a sudden, I'm getting a similar error. Whenever my vault tries to push a change, I get an error that says "No upstream branch is set." I only have one branch, but when I type...
This solution simplifies routing because the device does not have to be the gateway for any additional networks. You can disable proxy ARP if desired, in which case you need to be sure to have proper routes on the u...