1、文献题目: A review of vegetation phenological metrics extraction using time-series, multispectral satellite data 中文名称:利用时间序列、多光谱卫星数据提取植被物候的综述 作者:Linglin Zeng, Brian D. Wardlow, Daxiang Xiang, Shun Hu, Deren Li 3、期刊来源:Remote Sensing of Environment DOI:10.1016/j...
1、文献题目: Phenology of short vegetation cycles in a Kenyan rangeland from PlanetScope and Sentinel-2 中文名称:利用PlanetScope和Sentinel-2研究肯尼亚牧场短植被周期物候 作者:Yan Cheng, Anton Vrieling, Francesco Fava, Michele Meroni, Michael Marshall,Stella Gachoki 3、期刊来源:Remote Sensing of Envi...
remote sensing of environment的投稿格式 Remote sensing of the environment has become an indispensable tool in the modern era, providing a comprehensive understanding of our planet's surface and atmospheric conditions. It involves the collection and interpretation of data from sensors mounted on aircraft...
remote sensing of environment的投稿格式 引言概述: Remote Sensing of Environment(环境遥感)是一门研究利用遥感技术获取地球表面信息的学科,广泛应用于环境监测、资源调查、灾害评估等领域。准确的投稿格式是确保研究成果被同行认可和有效传播的关键。本文将从五个大点出发,详细阐述Remote Sensing of Environment的投稿...
小佩了解到,中科院一区TOP期刊,国人友好度高,1969年创办,老牌期刊:REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT。 RSE为地球观测界服务,出版可以促进遥感科学的发展理论、科学、应用和技术方面的研究结果。 01 基本信息 期刊名称:REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT; 期刊ISSN:0034-4257; ...
佳文赏析 | 《Remote Sensing of Environment》:卫星显示近20年中国大型湖库透明度整体上升 前言 近几十年来,在全球变暖、中国经济高速发展和迅速城镇化的背景下,中国湖库水环境受到了来自气候变化与人类经济活动的双重压力。与此同时,尤其是2000年以来,国内各级政府和环保部门制定了一系列有关水环境污染防治和水资源...
Xiaojing Bai, Donghai Zheng*, Xiangzhuo Liu, Lei Fan, Jiangyuan Zeng, and Xin Li, “Simulation of Sentinel-1A observations and constraint of water cloud model at the regional scale using a discrete scattering model”, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2022, 283, 113308. https://www.sciencedirec...
在本节中,我们旨在通过对植被物候较弱的常绿地区和干旱地区的比较分析,检验植被物候影响 ALAN 各向异性的假设。如图 8所示,迈阿密(常绿地区)以及凤凰城和拉斯维加斯(干旱地区)的研究区域显示出极低的 NDVI 季节性幅度(sMag of NDVI),表明植...
Remote Sensing of Environment (RSE) serves the Earth observation community with the publication of results on the theory, science, applications, and technology of remote sensing studies. Thoroughly interdisciplinary, RSE publishes on terrestrial, oceanic and atmospheric sensing. The emphasis of the journa...