技术标签:疑难杂症C语言vscodessh "remote.SSH.path": "ssh.exe的绝对路径", 错误示图: 但使用git bash去连接是可以 翻了一遍网络,说清空.ssh/known_hosts文件,试了一下也不行。 只能自己分析分析了。 找了一下错误输出记录:连接使用的是cmd.exe,并不是git bash。感觉很不妙啊,因为用... ...
docker ssh containers vscode remote visual-studio-code wsl remote-development devcontainers dev-containers Resources Readme License Unknown, CC-BY-4.0 licenses found Code of conduct Code of conduct Security policy Security policy Activity Custom properties Stars 3.7k stars Watchers 94 watchin...
The repository in question is quite ironically VS code own repository (this one) I started code with debug info and got this: + COMMIT=dc96b837cf6bb4af9cd736aa3af08cf8279f7685 + APP_NAME=code + QUALITY=stable + NAME=Code + SERVERDATAFOLDER=.vscode-server + realpath /mnt/c/Users/use...
vscode版本:1.40.0 ubuntu:18.04 一、vscode安装remote-ssh插件 二、设置要连接的主机IP地址和用户名1、Crtl+P呼出命令栏,输入>...:主机用户名 三、点击连接就ok了(每次打开不同的文件夹都需要输入密码) 四、会出现的问题:1、连接的时候报错 Asshinstallation not foundssh服务没有安装,进入 ...
Browser does not open locally Some extensions use external node modules or custom code to launch a browser window. Unfortunately, this may cause the extension to launch the browser remotely instead of locally. Resolution:The extension can use thevscode.env.openExternalAPI to resolve this problem. ...
For example, instead of using the open package to load a browser window, an extension author should use the vscode.env.openExternal API, which will open the browser locally. Similarly, there is a new clipboard class, which will place contents on the local clipboard, as expected....
error Command failed. Exit code: 128 Command: git Arguments: ls-remote --tags --heads git://github.com/adobe-webplatform/eve.git ``` ## 解决方案 在项目根目录下执行 ``` git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
The /vscode directory in the development container mounts a Docker volume to improve the startup speed and retain the configuration of plug-ins in the container, which will not be automatically recycled when Docker exits. Therefore, from the second connection to the container ...
· 解决vscode插件登录leetcode报错:(node:3041) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'padLevels' of module exports inside circular dependency · npm install安装vue-element-admin报错 · GitHub下载vue-element-admin安装依赖报错 · 安装vue-element-admin时npm install报错:Please make sure you have ...