Find helpful information about your LG product Register yourLG Product for expedited support. LG TV - How to use Remote Desktop Troubleshooting TVs 02/16/2024 Print Email Copy Link Share Use the Remote Desktop feature on your PC to connect your PC and TV in the office so you can work effi...
Use your phone as a remote control. The LG TV Remote App has a keyboard, trackpad and prevents losing the remote. Download it free today!
LG TV – The LG TV Plus Remote App is Now ThinQ. Learn how to use, update, maintain and troubleshoot your LG devices and appliances.
轻松使用手机/平板电脑上的键盘,因此您无需滚动字母即可在电视上查找内容。或者,在触摸板上滑动以搜索电视上的内容。 特征: ■ 简单快捷的键盘,方便搜索 ■ 大型触摸板可实现快速导航 ■ 自动检测同一WIFI网络下的智能电视 ■ 直接从应用程序启动频道和应用程序 ...
Disclaimer: TV Remote is NOT affiliated with LG Electronics and Sony, and the AI TV remote controller is not an official for LG product and Sony 新内容 版本记录 2024年9月26日 版本1.14 Improved properties and fixed bugs App 隐私 开发者“Andrei Semianenka”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下...
当您加入 TV Remote 时,您可以测试和研究该应用程序的各种引人入胜的功能。 该应用程序与当今最受欢迎的电视品牌兼容,包括三星、索尼、LG 等。 此外,您还可以使用手机远程调节电视,轻松选择最适合您需求的模式。 此外,根据您的喜好和需求,您可以连接到几部不同的手机来导航频道指南并完全控制电视。 此外,每个人...
DIRECTV 1049 1766 1767 1768 DISH NETWORK 0655 0647 DREAMBOX 0620 ECHOSTAR 0655 0647 EMTEC 1385 1386 EXPRESSVU 0647 0655 FORTEC STAR 0569 0555 0556 HUGHES 0580 HUGHES NETWORK 0621 0580 HUMAX 0912 ILLICO 0506 ILO 0959 JVC 1072 LG 1400 LITEON 0959 MEDION 0959 MOTOROLA 0533 PANASONIC 0373 0387 ...
LG Dynamic Intelligent 3D Television Remote Controller size:158*58*39mm Performance specification: 1 , effective distance and directivity test: When testing within valid distances, the use of the supplied receiver does not allow any nonstandard operation. 1.1 partial angle theta = 5 ...
Shop Black Friday 2024 Deals on LG Smart TV Magic Remote Replacement - Voice Magic Remote with Pointer Function between 11/25 and 12/1 at Walmart. Shop now and Save!
Remote TV is a remote control that allows you to control your LG TV. The installation is very simple, in less than 10 seconds you will have it working. All you have to do is have your TV and your iPhone/iPad on the same wifi network. ...