Kentucky 7/1/2013– repealed effective 7/1/2019 10/1/2018– seestate noticeandFAQ page 7/1/2019 Louisiana 4/1/2016 4/1/2016 7/1/2017 7/1/2020or within 30 days of passing threshold with collection no later than 60 days after passing threshold ...
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takes on greater meaning for people who rarely see one another. Each year the Corecubed staff converges at Orsini’s home in Louisville, Kentucky, for Derby weekend. “People stay at each other’s houses, so they get to know them better,” she says. “You see pictures of the kids and ...
they thrive on their work and the culture they’ve created. “Remotemanagers need more energy, because a lot of what you have to do is transferthat energy to your team,” says Juliana Slye, who manages remoteemployees as director of the government division at software maker Autodesk,based ...