RFCRemote function Call 远程功能调用, 是SAP系统之间以及非SAP系统之间程序通信的基本接口技术. 例如BAPI , ALE都是基于RFC实现的 SAP系统提供了三种外部接口 1.通信接口(communication interface) 2.文件I/O接口(file I/O interface) 3.数据库接口(data interface) RFC位于程序通信接口中,以实现外部程序对SAP系统...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Experts, I have a ABAP report (in System A) from where I am calling a remote function module which exists in a different system B. ABAP Program(System A)<---calls-- RFC(System B) Can I debug the RFC funnction module in system A using ABAP...
A function module is a unit of functionality in SAP. Remote Function Call is a feature of R/3 that allows you to invoke function modules remotely. This allows the R/3 system to be integrated with other systems. The interface of every function is maintained by the SAP system in its data ...
You create a RFC function module just as you create a normal function module. After you create the function module, in the general tab of the function module select the "Remote Enabled" radio button which makes the function module as RFC function module. Also the parameters should be Pass...
1,773 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development iam creted oan function module(bapi) ,in the attributes iam taken remote enabled module. when i acti vate this mouduel iam geting this message. Reference parameters are not allowed with rfc. how can i activate itReply...
SAP学习⽇志--RFCREMOTEFUNCTIONCALL RFC Remote function Call 远程功能调⽤, 是SAP系统之间以及⾮SAP系统之间程序通信的基本接⼝技术. 例如BAPI , ALE都是基于RFC实现的 SAP系统提供了三种外部接⼝ 1. 通信接⼝(communication interface)2. ⽂件I/O接⼝(file I/O interface)3. 数据库...
Remote Function Call (RFC) RFC is an SAP interface protocol based on CPI-C. It is used to simplify the programming of communication processes between systems. RFCs enable you to call and execute predefined functions in a remote system - or in the same system. The...
These resources need to be very comfortable with hands on development in as many of the areas below as possible, specifically ABAP and SAP HR. Ideal candidates will have as much experience with the below as possible: ABAP Development Documents Management Systems SAP HR module ODATA Servic...
objects that are transported virtually in the remote system before the check is triggered. Via this object set the dependent objects that you need for the check are defined. The object set is defined via an code inspector object set. In my example I just picked the ABAP package of my ...
Transaction - SE37 - ABAP Function Modules FM - SCCR_LOCK_CLIENT (to lock the client) Step 3. Remote Copy In SOURCE client. Transaction - SCC9 - Remote Client Copy Selected Profile - SAP_APPX * * If you want only refresh data in QAS from PROD Source destination. - R...