RFC (Remote Function Call) RFC (Remote Function Call) is an SAP interface protocol. Based on CPI-C, it considerably simplifies the programming of communication processes between systems. RFCs enable you to call and execute predefined functions in a remote system - or even in the same system. ...
rfcremotefunctionfrogs调用远程 I S B N 3 5 2 8 0 5 7 2 9 7 h t t p : / / i d o c s . d e Forexamplesandupdatescheckouthttp://idocs.de 79 12 RFCRemoteFunctionCall AremotefunctioncallRFCenablesacomputertoexecute aprogramanadifferentcomputerwithinthesameLAN, WANorInternetnetwork.RF...
For several functions, GuiXT uses an RFC connection to the SAP System (Remote Function Call). In order to logon to the system, the RFC needs a user name and password. GuiXT uses the logon values stored in GuiXT profile. As a default, the GuiXT profile contains the user "SAPCPIC". Si...
Remote Function Call (RFC) RFC is an SAP interface protocol based on CPI-C. It is used to simplify the programming of communication processes between systems. RFCs enable you to call and execute predefined functions in a remote system - or in the same system. They manage the communication ...
RFC(远程函数调用 Remote Function Call)是一个 SAP 的接口协议。它基于 CPI-C,很大程度上简化了系统间通讯的编程工作。RFC 允许调用和执行一个远程系统,或者是相同系统上的预定义函数 SAP RFC - RFC概述 RFC是SAP系统和其他(SAP或非SAP)系统间的一个重要而常用的双向接口技术,也被视为SAP与外部通信的基本协议...
SAP学习日志--RFCREMOTEFUNCTIONCALL SAP学习⽇志--RFCREMOTEFUNCTIONCALL RFC Remote function Call 远程功能调⽤, 是SAP系统之间以及⾮SAP系统之间程序通信的基本接⼝技术. 例如BAPI , ALE都是基于RFC实现的 SAP系统提供了三种外部接⼝ 1. 通信接⼝(communication interface)2. ⽂件I/O接⼝(...
A remote function call RFC enables a computer to execute a program an a different computer within the same LAN, WAN or Internet network. RFC is a common UNIX feature, which is found also in other object-oriented operating systems. R/3 provides special DLLs for WINDOWS, NT and UNIX to ...
We use the SAP function module "RFC_CALL_TRANSACTION_USING" to call up a transaction in the remote system. The object keys are passed via a "batch Input" file. We can use "RFC_CALL_TRANSACTION_USING" in the same SAP session. In this case, the underlying screen, i.e. the transaction...
SAP学习日志--RFC remote function call RFCRemote function Call 远程功能调用, 是SAP系统之间以及非SAP系统之间程序通信的基本接口技术. 例如BAPI , ALE都是基于RFC实现的 SAP系统提供了三种外部接口 1.通信接口(communication interface) 2.文件I/O接口(file I/O interface) ...
The bgRFC offers developers an API that can be used to define the properties of the transfer and record the data. The recording is done by means of a call to an RFC-enabled function module. Multiple function module calls can be bundled together to form aunit. The unit is the then the...