Discover the best apps, tips, and security practices for the remote control of Android phone. Learn how to safely manage and troubleshoot devices remotely.
Discover the best apps, tips, and security practices for the remote control of Android phone. Learn how to safely manage and troubleshoot devices remotely.
A very special smartphone remote control, perfect for photo lovers. There are cheap tech gadgets, which are absolutely unmissable. The perfect example of this is this remote control for smartphones, withBluetooth support. You connect it to the device and you can unleash your artistic flair,t...
The present invention relates to a remote control system for mobile phones, wherein various functions of the mobile phones are controlled by the remote controller in a wired or wireless manner, whereby listening of MP3 music, reception of various motion pictures provided through the mobile phones,...
Now that smartphones are getting to be the size of small TVs, you know what they need? Remote controls -- that's right! At least that's the thinking from a company calledQblinks, which recently launched aKickstarter campaign for Qmote, a small, water-resistant, metallic device with one...
The Aiker Bluetooth remote control wins the heart of many because it’s sturdy, clean, and good to behold. It’s compatible with iPhones, iPads, and most Samsung smartphones. The Aiker Bluetooth remote control connects with your device over a maximum range of 20 meters, and its response sp...
Wondering how to remotely control an android phone? Zoho Assist helps you to remotely access & control android devices, phones, tablets from a PC or another android device. Download now!
The remote control for your mobile phone Remote Phone Call connects your mobile phone with your Microsoft Windows PC. You can easily dial numbers, answer and end calls and write SMS messages. All from your desktop and also directly from Microsoft Outlook... ... is designed for monitoring authorized phones only. The Products and software related services on this website are provided to aid home and “guardian users” in and asdomestic monitoring solutionsand also asAnti-Theft Solution. It is important to accept the terms before you ...
With its large multi-touch screen, the iPhone is the ideal device that can be used as a remote control -- whether for your computer, entertainment centre, or even for your car; revolutionising the way that people use their phones.