RemoteControlClient(PendingIntent, Looper) Obsolete. Class constructor for a remote control client whose internal event handling happens on a user-provided Looper. RemoteControlClient(IntPtr, JniHandleOwnership) A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the ru...
RemoteControl Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.RemoteControl.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.RemoteControl v16.3.52 Creates the client and starts polling. C# 复制 public RemoteControlClient (string hostId, string baseUrl, string relativePath, int pollingIntervalMins = 1380, int theHttp...
RemoteControlClient.MetadataEditor RemoteControlClient.MetadataUpdateEventArgs RemoteControlClient.PlaybackPositionUpdateEventArgs RemoteControlFlags RemoteController RemoteController.ClientChangeEventArgs RemoteController.ClientMetadataUpdateEventArgs RemoteController.ClientPlaybackStateUpdateEventArgs RemoteController.ClientPlay...
RemoteControlClient enables exposing information meant to be consumed by remote controls capable of displaying metadata, artwork and media transport control buttons.
| Version: 1.8.0 Date Published: 6/17/2008 File Name: File Size: 3.8 MB 4.6 MB VMRCplus is a tool for both configuration management of Virtual Server and remote control of virtual machines. It allows for local and remote management of ...
Virtual Machine Remote Control Client Plus (VMRCplus) This tool enables management of Virtual Server 2005. It combines configuration management and remote control of Virtual Server and virtual machines from a single Windows application. Important! Selecting a language below will dynamically change the co...
Virtual Machine Remote Control Client Plus(VMRCplus)是用来管理 Virtual Server 的一款应用程序,他不依赖 IIS 来管理 Virtual Server。当前最新的版本是 v1.5.0,用于管理 Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1(VSRV2005R2SP1)。还记得早前就在 Blog 上与大家分享过 VMRCplus 这款软件,没想到现在竟然可以直接从微软下载中...
使用Browser客户端远程服务器设备需使用支持HTML 5的浏览器登录IMM管理界面,在【Remote Control】界面中选择【Use the browser client】,选择【Start remote control in multi-user mode】多用户模式登录后,浏览器将打开一个新窗口,并显示设备当前界面,如图10所示。
4550-4600 DWRCC (Mini Remote Control Client)300-400 DWRCS (Mini Remote Control Server)注意事项 此软件是一款适合任何个人、公司和家庭用于远程维护、远程协助和远程管理的计算机应用软件。用户不得利用本软件从事非法用途,如:用于窃取、破坏被控端电脑资料,窃取他人隐私等违法行为,任何违法行为都将受到法律的...