针对您遇到的“fatal: remote branch not found in upstream origin”错误,以下是一些详细的解答和建议: 1. 错误含义 这个错误通常发生在尝试从一个远程仓库克隆或拉取一个不存在的分支时。Git无法找到您指定的分支,因为它在远程仓库中不存在。 2. 可能的解决方案 2.1 检查分支名是否正确 确保您输入的分支名与远...
fatal: Remote branch v2.1.3 not found in upstream origin 从以上代码上可以看到安装SensorsAnalyticsSDK(2.1.3)报错了,提示无法找到远程分支v2.1.3。 一直以为是我的网络环境不好,尝试了好多次都不行,有些崩溃的感觉。 后来从报错信息入手,打开SensorsAnalyticsSDKgithub地址, 习惯性打开项目的issues查看是否有对应...
解决办法 将 podspec 文件 ’ 替换成 "详细信息:从Github上看,一切都没有问题,直接执行:也可以Clone下来,百思不得其解,最后对比了一下之前的Tag,发现做了一次 podspec 文件 " 到 ' 的替换,替换回来试了试,竟然搞定了!!!
edited 我在使用cocoapod集成PLShortVideoKit的时候发生了Remote branch v1.0.1 not found in upstream origin的错误 我试图通过搜索引擎还有查看官方文档但是都没有找到解决问题的方法 我通过执行pod search PLShortVideoKit 是可以找到对应的版本好的 所以我不清除问题出在哪了 ...
Hey guys I'm trying to install this great library via Cocoapods and I'm getting a fatal error that says, "fatal: Remote branch 1.0.0 not found in upstream origin" below is the full log Could yo be so kind to tell me if there is a work around for this issues?
fatal: Remote branch #{s.version} not foundinupstream origin ) during validation. Analyzed1podspec. ;49m[!] The spec did not pass validation, due to1error and1warning. 从Github上看,一切都没有问题,直接执行: /usr/bin/git clone https://github.com/XXXXX/XXXXX.git /var/folders/m3/_w136...
Cocoapods fatal: Remote branch #{s.version} not found in upstream origin 2018-09-28 22:27 −... 孔凡凯凯 0 3973 2019安装cocoaPods 2019-12-09 16:05 −检索关键词:2019 CocoaPods使用 查看版本:gem --version 输出: 2.7.7 更换Ruby 源: gem sources --remove https://rubygems.org/ gem ...
fatal: Remote branch 0.0.1 not found in upstream origin 也就是在编辑podspec时, 里面的字段s.verson,s.source中的tag与github创建的release版本号不一致导致, 修改为一样即可! 10.[!] The repo `XXXX` at `../../../../.cocoapods/repos/XXXX` is not clean ...
Hey, guys, As I told you i was trying to install this library via Cocoapods and I'm getting a fatal error that says, "fatal: Remote branch 1.1.0 not found in upstream origin". And you suggested change from: https://github.com/EstebanFuen...