提供App 内购买项目 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 Remote for Android TV 应用程序允许您控制您的 Android 智能电视,而不是使用物理遥控器。 ◆ 支持语音和键盘 ◆ 特征: ◆ 语音命令 ◆ 内置搜索键盘 ◆ 触控板 ◆ 快速启动应用程序 ◆ 音量信息在应用程序上直接可见 ...
Android Remote空中鼠标app是专为安卓用户打造的一款安卓电视遥控app,用户使用这款软件可以更好地进行电视的遥控,你可以进行各种电视的操控,在线切换频道,调节音量、使用键盘等功能,软件使用起来也非常的简单,有需求的用户可以直接来下载进行使用。 Android Remote空中鼠标app软件介绍 ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于remote for android的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及remote for android问答内容。更多remote for android相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
Splashtop 2 Remote Desktop is free yet powerful remote desktop app for Android. Splashtop allows user easy access to your Mac or Windows desktops by using their Android phones and tablets. The app offers seamless support for Flash, Java and games. The app also enables users having full access ...
Download the app from Google Play on target android mobile and Install it. 50 Register The App Open the app and register using Email Id and Password. You can register unlimited devices to the same Email Id 75 Log In To Dashboard
Optimal In-App Remote for Android Optimal In-App Remote SDK for Android は、 Android アプリの遠隔支援を実現するための開発キットです。 この SDK をアプリに組み込むことで、そのアプリをOptimal Remoteで遠隔支援できるようになります。
Remote Displayer for Android V1.2 VERSION LOG for Android Remote Displayer Features: The app allows you to see your Android device remotely and capture the screen. Make sure your desktop and Android device is under the same WiFi network.
单机100网为您推荐:遥控器app谷歌appandroidtvremote android tv remote control使用于所有配置安卓系统的平板电视,它是基于谷歌服务的,所以全平台通用,适用于索尼、三星、小米、海信等电视品牌,是您通过手机遥控电视的必备软件! Android TV Remote Service简介 ...
a glorified traditional TV remote, Android TV Remote Control provides additional functionality, such as voice search, and can switch between d-pad and touchpad modes. For convenience and to get the most out of your Android TV, it’s a must-have app from Google for your smartphone or tablet...
Lovense Remote App for Android (image above) Lovense Remote app for Apple (image above) You can read a lot more on how to use theLovense Remote appin this extensive guide. 2. Lovense Connect App What is the Lovense Connect App?