具体步骤: 第1 步:按 Win + R 键打开“运行”对话框,然后在框中键入 regedit 并按 Enter。 第2 步:在注册表编辑器窗口中,通过左侧导航栏找到以下路径: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers 第3 步:右键单击右侧的空白区域,然后选择“新建> DWORD(32 位)值”。 第4...
没有epic样式,只能SmartSteamLoader_x64启动,另外两个steamclient_loader,Remnant2-Win64-Shipping点 ....
Gonna try steamapps\common\Remnant2\Remnant2\Binaries\Win64 since the guy says it ought to be in the same folder as the shipping.exe.Edit: That did it; installed to the latter rather than the former, success. Sprayy supporter 4 kudos 24 October 2024, 12:41PM Thanks!!! shokali...
If it is running, go to the list of processes on your PC, and look for Remnant2.exe and Remnant2-Win64-Shipping.exe processes. After finding them, right-click on it and select Always. Look for the CPU Affinity or Affinity option from this new list. Click on it to open a new...
因为 提示_Win64_Shipping 相关崩溃有其他很多原因,此办法只适用于解决提示DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED on Windows 10/11而产生的崩溃,即上图中蓝色方框框住的关键字表明的崩溃性质,并同样适用于其他游戏。请按照步骤逐一设,最后记得重启电脑。 1. 关闭NVidia Control Panel的Anti-Aliasing功能 ...
因为 提示_Win64_Shipping 相关崩溃有其他很多原因,此办法只适用于解决提示DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED on Windows 10/11而产生的崩溃,即上图中蓝色方框框住的关键字表明的崩溃性质,并同样适用于其他游戏。请按照步骤逐一设,最后记得重启电脑。 1. 关闭NVidia Control Panel的Anti-Aliasing功能 一般情况下这一步就...