Phonetic (Standard)IPA adjective awakening memories of something similar; suggestive (usually followed byof): His style of writing is reminiscent of Melville's. characterized by or of the nature ofreminiscence. given toreminiscence: a reminiscent old sailor. ...
The meaning of REMINISCENT is of the character of or relating to reminiscence. How to use reminiscent in a sentence.
reminiscent meaning, definition, what is reminiscent: thinking about the past: Learn more.
This is the place for Reminiscent definition. You find here Reminiscent meaning, synonyms of Reminiscent and images for Reminiscent
仅供参考,由机器翻译系统提供。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning of reminiscent 广告 在reminiscent 附近的词典条目 remind reminder Remington reminisce reminiscence reminiscent remise remiss remission remissive remit 链接论坛参考文献链接产品iOS 应用安卓应用Chrome 扩展关于网站作者网站简介在Facebook ...
The meaning of REMINISCENTIAL is reminiscent.
1640–50; <Late Latinreminiscenti(a)reminiscence+-al1 Other words from reminiscential rem·i·nis·cen·tial·ly,adverb Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024 How to usereminiscentialin a sentence ...
REMINISCENT meaning: 1 : reminding you of someone or something else similar to something else often + of; 2 : thinking about the past having many thoughts of the past
also from1705 Entries linking toreminiscent *men-(1) Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to think," with derivatives referring to qualities and states of mind or thought. It forms all or part of:admonish;Ahura Mazda;ament;amentia;amnesia;amnesty;anamnesis;anamnestic;automatic;automaton;balletomane;co...
reminiscent of something meaning, definition, what is reminiscent of something: reminding you of something: Learn more.