雷明顿MSR狙击步枪是该公司的一款代表作。这款步枪全名为“模块狙击步枪”(Modular Sniper Rifle),以其多种口径和模块化设计特点而著称。这种设计使得士兵可以根据任务需求快速更换枪管、弹匣等部件,从而适应不同的作战环境。 除了MSR狙击步枪外,雷明顿公司还生产了其他多种类型的武器和弹药,满足了...
雷明顿MSR狙击步枪采用模块化设计,其核心是一个铝合金“底座”,包含弹匣座、击发机座和前托,机匣则由轻质的钛合金制成,安装在“底座”上。枪管是浮动式的,通过钢制枪管节套与机匣相连,外部包裹着圆筒形前托。这款枪的灵活性体现在其能够快速更换枪管,只需几分钟即可从四种口径(如.308 Win、....
【讨论】Reming..之前一直用自带抑制器,,因为可以锁最低伤害,但是有几次红叉但未靠墙未击倒的情况,那么最低伤害200是否真的可以保证击倒? 如果使用通用抑制器,那么降低的伤害衰减和穿透力是否比最低200伤害更有价值
0回复贴,共1页 <返回塔科夫离线版吧 1WTT-Armory-Remington MSR 1.0.2 精准步枪 只看楼主收藏回复 selyue 核心吧友 7 送TA礼物 1楼2024-09-13 09:08回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示0...
Remington MSR (1/2 Animated)Author: Jridah Date: 29.10.2015 Downloads: 11238 Filesize: 2.528 MBRating: 10.00 based on 5 votes Trigger is animated, and the grip on the bolt, but the other one I couldn't get animated, I think Zmodeler has a bug in it with that part, cus I ...
震宇 张 Designed for iPad 5.0 • 1 Rating Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description If you are interested in weapons and want to make YOUR OWN GUN, please do NOT pass by! Here is a game about the most famous Sniper Rifle in the world: Remington MSR. In this game you will have a cha...
Over the past couple months, I’ve had an opportunity to put 500 rounds down a Remington MSR (Modular Sniper Rifle). This is the same rifle that was awarded the illustrious Precision Sniper Rifle (PSR) contract, and now is being used by our elite special ops snipers. And for the first...
Add to Queue View Changelog Report File Like itWatch itAward it Description The Remington MSR Sniper Rifle from Ghost Warrior 2 in the role of the Scout. A request. An experiment. I used the AWP animations. Model and Textures: azlyirnizam Flashlight Rail: Mbproductions Flashlight: Twinke Mas...