New Model Double Leg Formed wire mainspring $30 === SHOTGUN MAGAZINE SPRING Any Size $15 Each #1 12 GA #2 16 GA #3 20 GA #4 410 GA === SPANISH REVOLVER HAMMER SPRINGS This long obsolete spring works the Hammer AND Hand ..several...
There’s also a World War One trick called the “Fast Five” used on the Model 1897 Pump-Action Shotgun. The object was to shoot as fast a you can, someone came up with the idea of. After chambering a round, to hold the slide action of the shotgun back in the open-position, an...
Used on Commercial Model Mauser Rifles. The Aperture can be rotated side to side for selection of three sizes of openings. The spacing will fit many rifle scope base holes. Sight, Two Screws, Base...$45 Other Peep SIGHTS: See The peep...