The serial number is 71,519. A letter of 6/6/64 mentions a pistol in the 70,000 range in another context, but that gives a pretty good idea of the production date. New Jersey contract pistols are known in the 58,000 to 75,000 range. This is a very nice Remington New Model Army...
On the top of the slide, partially obscured by the fine lines cut to reduce glare, are the words “THE REMINGTON ARMS-UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO., INC. REMINGTON ILION WKS. ILION, N.Y. U.S.A. PEDERSEN’S PATENTS PENDING.” Very late issue guns are stamped “REMINGTON ARMS COMPANY, ...
the serial # is101384. Any other info would be greatly appreciated Dave Reply Ian McCollumsays: March 18, 2014 at 5:14 pm @strangerops I read the manual and watched Ian’s videos, and it looks like the rounds were manually loaded — kind of like modern guns today. However on Mr. L...
Fired at 100 yds. from the worst rests I have because my good stuff would not hold the stock as they are all designed for br guns. Scope is a Night Force variable 42x with mil dots. The chamber reamer was optimized for the 220 gr SMK so expect even better things to come. Thanks....
The magwell is made of aluminum and has some kind of coating. There will be some scratches for sure, but that is not a problem. The magwell is attached by some big bolts. Therefore, you will have to remove the magwell for cleaning and maintenance by removing the bolts first. The magazin...
First of all, make sure that your shotgun is unloaded. Check both magazine tube and chamber, check visually and by touch. 1. Disassemble your Remington 870/1100 shotgun and take out breech Bolt: Remington 870 Breech Bolt 2. Put a flat head screwdriver between a plunger and the extractor....
I wanted to provide to you a heads up regarding my experience with the Remington Model 700 & Model Seven rifle recall. The publicly availableRemington online websiteto enter the serial number did not flag the rifle for recall when I entered the information, nor did it correctly work for Remi...