Gun Value Conditions explained: New in box - 100% condition in unopened box. Excellent - 95%+ condition with or without box. Very Good - 90% - 95% condition (all parts/finish should be original). Good - 80-90% condition (all parts/finish should be original). Fair - 30% - 80% co...
Gun Appraisals, Gun Parts, AND Takedown Manuals *NOTE* We also have a new feature -Wildlife Artand Notecards Guns For Sale* To Find what MODELS of guns are FOR SALE Look in the Categories to the left INTERESTED IN HOW MUCH YOUR FIREARM IS WORTH?
It is an inauspicious fate for the 204-year-old company, which bills itself as America's oldest gun manufacturer. But civil liability claimants who helped drive the company to this point allege that Remington's attempt to auction itself off is deliberately crafted to deny them the compensation ...
But the experts claim that small amounts of rust, debris or even a small jolt can cause the trigger connector to fall out of alignment, and the trigger itself to lose contact with the firing pin. Then, they say, the gun can go off when the user operates other parts of the gun—such...
The Remington action is slick and smooth. It glides rearward and is nice and tight with minimal slop. Pump-action shotguns are tough to mess up, especially whenRemingtonhas been making them for over half a century. The gun cycles fling shells consistently and eats everything. Low brass, hig...
ScopesAndAmmo is THE source in Canada for custom airgun parts and accessories and we have worked to bring the best and largest selection of quality items (not the "largest" by ignoring quality as some vendors might) that we either own ...
(In related news, if you’ve never visited the NRA Whittington Center, you should! It’s the largest range in the world, and like Disney World for a gun guy.) The price tag on the Remington PSR Kit is $21,000. Sticker shock? Consider a couple things: the kit includes around $2,...
All the other upgrades, such as the stocks, forends, heatshields, sights, and barrels, can be installed on the Remington 870 DM. You can even get this shotgun with the Magpul furniture already installed. Survival kit in the tubular magazine tube ...
GUN SPRING KITS! Gun Spring KITS. All of the springs you need to bring your gun BACK to theOriginal operating Power. We have these kits for Hundreds of Modern and OBSOLETE Model Guns. Click Below to see this Listing SPRING KITS === ...
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