This new design came from the Wingmaster line and was an instant hit with shooters. Remington chose common parts for its build. Many of these were stamped, not machined, and that approach reduced production costs and build time. Take-up grew steadily; by 1973, two million 870s had been s...
When I wanted to build my own 12 gage Home defense shot gun I knew I wanted to use a certain Remington 12 gage receiver that was legendary for being reliable EVERY TIME and for that reason I started with a 1979 Remington Wing Master 12 gage receiver. After doing extensive research on the...
Remington 870 Guide has been great. Easy to follow, and extremely informative.I used it to “upgrade” my 870 Wingmaster. I put Hogue Stock and Forend, 20 inch barrel, extend mag-tube. Next step is to add some type of optic.
I was raised on the 870 Wingmaster, in both 20 and 12 gauge. Never, ever, failed me. I shoot lefty, and the safety is no problem. Had no problem getting through police academy qualifications either. It was required that we carried with the trigger /action disengaged, no round in the ...
Non-MIM extractor is my first recommendation to Remington 870 owners which starts upgrading their shotguns. Most shooters spend hundreds of dollars on tacticool upgrades but rarely upgrade inner parts. This is one of the cheapest but the most important upgrades you can make to Remington 870 shotgu...