Uncle Mike’s Quick Detachable Remington 870/870 Youth 12-Gauge External Ratchet Cap Set Sling Swivels replaces the cap that holds the barrel to the forearm and it has the wood screw for the butt if you do not already have a swivel attached. The installation in most cases, takes just a...
I would like to have a C-More M26 Civilian MASS 12-Gauge Shotgun in Carbine configuration. At 3.7-pounds and a 7-inch barrel, w/5+1 capability. I’m a Wheelchair Driver, and the last time I shot a Standard Remington 870 Shotgun. I went “Turtle”, even with the Wheel’s Locked....
This professional-grade tool enables Remington 870/1100 owner to quickly remove dents.Recommended Product:Get 12 Gauge Magazine Tube Dent Raiser on BrownellsMagazine Tube Detent Swage Tool by XS Sight SystemsAnother tool for dimples removal. Makes process easier....
The 870 MCS features a shellholder which holds 3 red shells (buckshot rounds) and 2 green shells (slug rounds), none of them can be used. A spade from a deck of cards can be seen on the spare shellholder. The words "REMINGTON MCS RAIL SYSTEM" can be seen on the side of the rail...
3.5" Super Magnum capability is far more than you need inside a home, but it allows this shotgun the versatility of being able to put any 12 gauge shell through it and a real potential distance advantage. Includes a 2 shot extension tube. ...
I was raised on the 870 Wingmaster, in both 20 and 12 gauge. Never, ever, failed me. I shoot lefty, and the safety is no problem. Had no problem getting through police academy qualifications either. It was required that we carried with the trigger /action disengaged, no round in the ...
This is a sling mounting kit for the Remington Model 1100 20 Gauge gun. The tri-lock design with full steel Construction ensures of hard strong handling when using. The Kit comes with magazine Cap sling adapter, 1" Quick Detach Sling Swivel...
The TAC 14 firearmis the Remington entry into the other firearms, totally not a shotgun genre. Remington predictably uses the 870 Express platform as their base firearm. As such, the TAC 14 Hardwood is a pump-action weapon, chambered in 12 gauge and capable of chambering shells up to 3 ...