Our Guide To The Best Scope Mount Bases and Rings For Remington 700 You’ve bought one of the best rifles there is for long-range precision shooting, and now you need theperfect scope to enhance your shots.I get it; this was something that I spent a lot of time researching because the...
Light weight and rugged, the base offers more surface than any other mount made! Available for both long and short actions, these are the ONLY scope mounts you ever need! Designed to take the sting out of felt recoil, the Pachmayr Decelerator™ recoil pads are .8" and 1.00" thick and...
Sniper rifle packages from Sniper Central are a complete, ready to go package that allow a the shooter to be out on the range immediately after receiving the package. The rifles are put together by hand and hand chambered, etc. We then mount the base, rings and scope and then test fire ...
Price $149.99*Installed on your Bolt. Includes machining off factory bolt knob, Threading of bolt stem and Installing new Tactical knob. You can send us your bolt. Insure it for $300. Our turnaround time is approximately 5 to 10 business days. Custom Remington 700 Rifle Re-Barrels & Re-B...
There is a two position safety, back is “SAFE” and forward is “FIRE”. This rifle has Remington’s new R3 recoil pad, designed to reduce felt recoil. Overall length is 44.5” and, with the scope mounted in Leupold rings, it weighs just less than 8 pounds. The .35 Whelen cartridge...