Remington still advertise both their 150 and 200 grain Core-Lokt loadings however the 150 grain loading is rarely seen in retail stores. The 150 grain pointed soft point Core-Lokt has an advertised velocity of 2300fps for a true muzzle velocity of around 2230fps. This bullet is not designed...
Remington currently produce four loads for the .280 including, the 140 grain Core-Lokt at an advertised 3000fps, the 140 grain Accutip at 3000fps, the 150 grain Core-Lokt at 2890fps and the 165 grain Core-Lokt round nose bullet at 2820fps. These velocities are seldom achieved in older...
Berger VLD, the Hornady ELD-X, GMX, InterBond, InterLock, and SST, the Nosler AccuBond, AccuBond Long Range, Ballistic Tip, E-Tip, and Partition, the Remington Core Lokt, the Swift Scirocco and A-Frame,