FIR filter can be designed by using either windowing method or by using the iterative method. Here the iterative method of Remez Exchange algorithm is used. The main aim is to design a low pass FIR filter by using various multipliers and adders. The faster execution speed and smaller memory ...
A new efficient algorithm is described for designing FIR filters that best approximate in the Chebyshev sense a desired complex-valued function. This algorithm is based on an ascent Remez exchange method applied to a transformation of the complex Chebyshev error, and is basically a generalization of...
2) Remez algorithm Remez算法 1. The design procedure of FIR digital filter which is based on Chebyshev approximation theory and used to design compensating filter is analyzed,and the compensating filter designed ac-cording to Remez algorithm is provided. 阐述了数字化接收机中需要设计的CIC滤波器,...
remezdesignsalinear-phaseFIRfilterusingtheParks-McClellanalgorithm[1].The Parks-McClellanalgorithmusestheRemezexchangealgorithmandChebyshevapproximation theorytodesignfilterswithanoptimalfitbetweenthedesiredandactualfrequency responses.Thefiltersareoptimalinthesensethatthemaximumerrorbetweenthedesired ...
Design of FIR Nyquist filters using Remez exchange algorithm - Zhang, Iwakura - 1996 () Citation Context ...ctly zero-crossing at the Nyquist rate, except for one point. Until now, finite impulse response (FIR) th-band filters with exactly linear phase responses have been exhaustively studied...
It will use Remez exchange algorithm to find the each frequency of 3rd 5th, 7th harmonic and take advantage of the optimal linear of FIR filter to eliminate harmonic. The results show that the designed FIR notch filter can availability filtering the automatic signal, harmonic, and at the same...
H. McClellan.A Multiple Exchange Remez Algorithm for Complex FIR Filter Design in the Chebyshev Sense. Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems . 1994L. J. Karam and J. H. McClellan, "A multiple exchange Remez algorithm for complex FIR filter design in the Chebyshev sense,"in ...
X. Zhang, "Design of FIR Nyquist filters using the Remez ex- change algorithm", Electronics and Communications in Japan - Part 3, Vol.80, No.6, pp.1378-1384, 1997.X. Zhang and H. Iwakura, "Design of FIR Nyquist filters using the Remez exchange algorithm," Electron. Commun. Jpn., ...
A generalized Remez multiple exchange algorithm for complex FIR filter design," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP) 1994, vol. 3, Apr. 1994, pp. 553-556.C.-Y. Tseng, A Generalized Remez Multiple Exchange Algorithm for Complex FIR Filter Design, in Proc...