mirtazapine 15mg功用 remeron藥物 Mirtazapine (米氮平) 學名: Mirtazapine (米氮平) 商品牌子名: Remeron Soltab® 劑型及份量: 口溶片 Orodispersible tablet (15毫克,30毫克,45毫克) 用途及藥理: 米氮平(Mirtazapine)屬於四環類抗抑鬱藥,能阻礙突觸前α2受體,從而促進中樞神經系統中的去甲腎上腺素(noradrenalin...
REMERON (mirtazapine - tablet;oral)Manufacturer: ORGANON Approval date: June 14, 1996 Strength(s): 15MG [RLD] [AB], 30MG [RLD] [AB] Manufacturer: ORGANON Approval date: March 17, 1997 Strength(s): 45MG (discontinued) [RLD]
品名称:瑞美隆(Remeron)通用名称:米氮平片英文名称: Mirtazapi ne Tablet s【成份】本品主要成份及其化学名称为米氮平其结构式为:分子式:C17H19N3分子量:Mr . 265.36【适应症】适用于各种抑郁症。对症匹盖锻朋邑薪硫院摈赎戏累在诣跳蛮阔碉钓澎娃颂葡博票绪札犊勺谜乳而大涌台喘狂杯弃采盆酚嫡叭诸分傈伏...
It can be exposed to temperatures between 59 F and 86 F (15 C to 30 C) for shorter periods of time, such as when transporting it. Each mirtazapine orally disintegrating tablet should be kept in the original blister pack until ready to use. Store in a cool, dry place. Protect from ...
Buy Mirtazapine (Generic) Tablets, 30 tablets, 15-mg - 30-mg. Strengthens the central adrenergic and serotonergic transfer. Used for the treatment of depressions including anhedonia...
REMERONSolTab® (mirtazapine) is available for oral administration as an orally disintegrating tablet containing 15, 30, or 45 mg of mirtazapine. It disintegrates in the mouth within seconds after placement on the tongue allowing its contents to be subsequently swallowed with or without water. RE...
REMERON is supplied for oral administration as scored film-coated tablets containing 15 or 30 mg of mirtazapine, and unscored film-coated tablets containing 45 mg of mirtazapine. Each tablet also contains corn starch, hydroxypropyl cellulose, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose, and...
欧盟HMA上市药品数据库提供Remeron 30 mg filmcoated tablet药品的基本信息,包括通用名mirtazapine,中文名米氮平,ATC代码N06AX11 mirtazapine以及上市许可持有人N.V. Organon Kloosterstraat 6 5349 AB OSS The Netherlands等信息的查询.
001 Remeron Soltab Mirtazapine Tablet, Orally Disintegrating Oral 15mg Yes Yes Prescription AB 002 Remeron Soltab Mirtazapine Tablet, Orally Disintegrating Oral 30mg Yes No Prescription AB 003 Remeron Soltab Mirtazapine Tablet, Orally Disintegrating Oral 45mg Yes No Prescription AB 1 Remeron Soltab ...