is after some effort recalled and present to the mind.Remembranceis the store-house,recollectionthe act of culling out this article and that from the repository. Herememberseverything he hears, and canrecollectany statement when called on. The words, however, are often confounded, and we say ...
It was pushing triple digits. We sweated. We looked at vendors and we spent money. There were speakers from different television shows and supposed research people. There were NO exhibits of actual evidence. We are open, but we’re also very logical. The local store that sells Legos™ wa...
Now she is making dinner again. She made her bed. She made theshitout of that bed. Then she went to another store. They are eating soup again. It is pea soup. We watch them eat the entire bowl. She is knitting the ugly brown sweater again. The next day she went to so many sto...
Jimmy, my younger brother Kyle, our neighbor and his son were sharing a large tent with Dad and I on the only camping trip we were ever to make. Our site was near the banks of the Farmington and the plan was for The Dad’s and the older kids, Jimmy and I, to take...
The tale is long and provideslots and lotsof clues about how the universe works, what is technologically possible, what is in store for the solar system and how we might defend ourselves. Humanity figures out a little of it, but misses a lot more and knows it has done so, and ...
On Monday I had the chance to meet another Journalspace (JS) friend, John…. also known as „HarpO“ or „JuanderLust“. He picked me up at my folks place, then we drove off to find a store to do some shopping and to look for a self-serve car wash (which we didn’t find...
häagen-dazs, to work out more, so he and i set off to get a treadmill for her at a sporting-goods store. the man came over, asked, ‘are you looking for anything in particular?’ and jean-claude looked at him and said, ‘well, yes, have you got one of these isadora duncan ...