and they do not require a special trick for keeping the solar system order straight in their minds. Others can benefit either from an acronym for planets or from a sentence consisting of eight words whose first letters are the same of the first letters of the planets in order from ...
Take the first letter of each word and turn it into an acronym that makes sense to you. For example you might do H.O.M.E.S. for the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior). Mnemonics can be useful for remembering spelling. Make up a little rhyme/nonsense phrase using...
4. The order of mathematical operations: BuzzFeed / Getty "When learning how to solve equations in sixth-grade math, I used to remember this acronym to remember the orders of operations." —andpeggy51 Other variations: "Pandas Eat Milk Duds And Skittles.”—nadams01 5. When to use...
One of the easiest ways to access memories is to create associations that trigger those memories. That might mean using an acronym to remember information (for example, ROY G. BIV for the colors of the rainbow), using a pun or word play, or creating a distinctive mental image.[9] The...