One of the common causes of a headache behind the left eye is sinusitis. This problem is caused by an infection or allergic reaction in the paranasal sinuses. When the linings of the sinuses become inflamed, congested, or swollen, it can lead to pain. Dr. Stephanie Watson on Healthline s...
Natural Remedies For Headaches Tension headaches, migraine headaches, sinus headaches, cluster headaches, even hangover headaches – we’ve all experienced some sort of headache, some of us on a regular basis. Usually, we run to the medicine cabinet for a supposedly harmless over the counter heada...
If a nicked quick hasn't stopped bleeding after an hour with home intervention, it might be time for a call to the emergency veterinarian. You should always seek care immediately for any type of bleeding if your pup has a history of high blood pressure or clotting disorders. No matter what...