Q: My poor chihuahua has suffered from skin problems her wholelife. We've taken her to the vet...Joe GraedonTeresa Graedon
This dog is my boy please help m fix him, I have very little money to take him to the vet so I am hoping for a home remedy or for you to say is ok and can heal on it's own. I am going to try to copy and paste some pictures in this message but I don't know if they ...
The eggs of whipworms are expelled in a dog's feces. They can live for up to five years outside a host. Typical infestation occurs when the eggs become attached to a dog's paws, and they then ingest them during regular grooming. Whipworms attach themselves to a dog's large intestine ...
Our specialty, nutritional pet products have been researched for their effectiveness and formulated to help address common conditions in dogs and cats, including symptoms related tojoints;digestion;allergies,hot spots,skin and coat;anxiety,stones;bladderandkidney infections. Our premium products may help...