should be included in your diet. You can also improve your immune systems using vitamin C. Include citrus fruits in your diet and also take vitamin C supplements. For baby ear infection and fever, you may have to take the baby to a doctor...
Fever blisters(herpangina) are small blisters that turn into ulcers, usually on the lips, mouth, or tongue; a virus causes fever blisters. When a child contracts this virus for the first time, the symptoms and the fever blisters can be quite severe. If the child is not eating or drinking...
If your little one has a fever and is uncomfortable, you can consider using fever reducers such as acetaminophen (found in Infants' & Children's TYLENOL® products) or ibuprofen (found in Infants' and MOTRIN® products). If your child is under 2 years of age, be sure to ask your do...
If you are unsure about home remedies for stomach ache in infants, babies, and adults, then you should avoid consuming spicy and oily foods. According to a study about indigestion[1], indigestion is often caused by eating hard-to-digest foods; therefore, one of the simplest ways to treat ...
Remedies to Relieve Sore Throat Pain In Babies and ToddlersSore throat remedies for toddlers are generally limited to giving the prescribed dosage of an OTC pain relief and fever-reducing drug for high fevers. This takes care of the discomfort, pain, and resultant crankiness while giving the ...
Children may develop a fever after certain vaccinations and immunizations. Teething may also cause a low-grade fever in infants and toddlers as well. Disorders that are inflammatory or autoimmune in nature such as Crohns disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis to name a few can...
Body temperature can fluctuate depending on age, overall health, activity levels, and the time of day. Infants tend to register higher temperatures compared to older children. It’s normal for body temperatures to peak in the late afternoon and early evening and reach their lowest point between...
Ear infections are the most common reason children visit the doctor. They account for some 30 million visits per year and 50% of those seen will be prescribed an antibiotic. Infants and small children suffer most often from ear infection secondary to respiratory viruses. The eustachian tubes are...
Fever or unusual behavior.If your baby develops a fever or seems unusually fussy or lethargic, seek medical advice. Yeast infection.Bright red rashes with small bumps may indicate ayeast diaper rash, requiring antifungal treatment. Home remedies for a bad diaper rash are not recommended and you ...
Last fall, our daughter had a little cold and then developed a low grade fever. Remembering what theWAPFsays about the potency ofcod liver oilandbutter oiltogetherfor healing (read more about CLO benefits here), I gave her a dose of cod liver oil, and then made her the followingchocolate...