Throughout his career Rembrandt took as his primary subjects the themes of portraiture, landscape and narrative painting. For the last, he was especially praised by his contemporaries, who extolled him as a masterly interpreter of biblical stories for his skill in representing emotions and attention...
Stylistic analysis of his portraits reveals that Rembrandt occasionally had others assist him to a varying degree in thepaintingof portraits, as indeed was the custom in many portrait studios. For example, Wtenbogaert’s portrait session with Rembrandt is recorded in a written document; back inHoll...
A huge painting of the Civic Guard is unveiled to shock and denunciations as, Goyaesque, the contributors to the fund for the painting see themselves savagely lampooned.A new model, Hendrickje, charmingly acted by a beautiful and youthful Elsa Lanchester, steals Rembrandt's heart and body, ...
Paintings by living masters fetched less: in 1637 Rembrandt paid a little over 424 guilders for a large painting by Rubens. In 1642 Rembrandt paid 179 guilders for a single print by Lucas, ‘het Ulenspiegelken’ (now known as The Beggar’s Family). The reason given for this high price...
He advocated emphasizing the merits of a painting, rather than the name of its artist. He also recognized the value of reproductive prints for making paintings available to a wider audience.doi:10.1080/03096564.2001.11730798PrestonFrances L.
[pounds sterling]25 million.I f it makes the higher estimate, it would set a record price for the artist and become the second most valuable Old Master painting of all time.It is the latest addition to Christie's December sale which already includes a Baroque painting by Domenico Zampieri,...
Lievens, born in 1607, the year after Rembrandt, had started painting at age eight. He had apprenticed first with Joris Verschoten (ca. 1587–1652) in Leiden, and then for about two years with his “second master” Pieter Lastman, the most important history painter in Amsterdam at that...
The author reports that a painting of the artist Rembrandt laughing was purchased at an auction for more than four million dollars. According to the article, is was originally believed that the self portrait was drawn by one of Rembrandt's students. The amount of money which the painting is ...
Giovannino d’Angelo was commissioned to construct a frame following the model of Sienese artist Niccolò di Segna’s altarpiece of 1340-50 in the church of the Camaldolese order (today’s cathedral) with the difference that the altarpiece for San Francesco should be prepared for painting on ...
all of which are instinct with life. But at this period of his career we come upon a branch of his art on which he left both in etching and in painting, the stamp of his genius, viz., landscape, Roeland Roghman, but ten years his senior, evidently influenced his style, for the re...