确实如release notes写的一样,这一次的更新完全是对thumbnails来了个spring clean,主界面非常清爽,审美也进步了。 三个重大改进: 一、Creative shortcut 这次的更新,把搜索、新建文件(夹)的功能按钮做到了屏幕的下方,很大的一个。当然了,搜索功能还是和以前一样,不太适用于中文环境,毕竟以中文命名的文件没法做检索。
1[reMarkable手写平板 DPT-S1的继承者](https://www.bilibili.com/video/av7341181?from=search&seid=9406366597301203225) 2[Release notes overview Software Releases](https://support.remarkable.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002363378-Release-notes-overview-) 3[Hardware_Technical specifications...
[reMarkable手写平板 DPT-S1的继承者](https://www.bilibili.com/video/av7341181?from=search&seid=9406366597301203225) 2[Release notes overview Software Releases](https://support.remarkable.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002363378-Release-notes-overview-) 3[Hardware_Technical specifications](https://support.rem...
Thank you for reading and following our updates. If you’d like to learn more about our latest update you can read thefull release notes hereor go to ourwebshop to purchase your reMarkable today. Best, The reMarkable team Learn how reMarkable rolls out software updates...
Most updates will apply to both reMarkable Paper Pro and reMarkable 2, though some will be device-specific. You can always see what’s new on your paper tablet inSettings>Software>Release notes. Getting started After you’ve set up your paper tablet for the first time, a blank slate full...
上课notes完全用它记,数学课画图尤其舒服。给paper或者slides加comment也很方便。有同学有新版的sony dpt...
the Kindle Scribe and Remarkable 2 in a different class to traditional e-readers. While the touchscreens on both devices support finger inputs for swiping through pages and navigating the interface, each is also designed with pen use in mind – whether you’re tapping around or taking notes....
(which you then lose or have to transcribe onto your computer), then reMarkable 2 can improve your workflow, putting all your notes in one place and transferring them to your main device. More importantly, as writers like Stephen King and Neil Gaiman have sometimes suggested, the muscular ...
it will automatically sync. i do a lot of research and attend webinars frequently. i can easily transfer pdfs from my laptop to the remarkable through the desktop app and can highlight and take notes on the pdf. i purchased my remarkable 2 in november after the release of the paper pro...
关机时间:2秒 屏幕整体呈淡灰色,用笔写字的时候几乎没有延迟,很适合做快速笔记。Remarkable提供一共7...