Command lineEnvironmentDefaultDescription url REMARK_URL url to remark42 server, required secret SECRET secret key, required site SITE remark site name(s), multi store.type STORE_TYPE bolt type of storage, bolt or rpc store.bolt.path STORE_BOLT_PATH ./var path to data directory store.bolt.ti...
GET /api/v1/id/{id}?site=site-id- get comment bycomment id GET /api/v1/comments?site=site-id&user=id&limit=N- get comment byuser id, returnsresponseobject typeresponsestruct{Comments[]store.Comment`json:"comments"`Countint`json:"count"`}{} ...
Command lineEnvironmentDefaultDescription url REMARK_URL url to remark42 server, required secret SECRET secret key, required site SITE remark site name(s), multi store.type STORE_TYPE bolt type of storage, bolt or rpc store.bolt.path STORE_BOLT_PATH ./var path to data directory store.bolt....
Remark42 is a self-hosted, lightweight, and simple (yet functional) comment engine, which doesn't spy on users. It can be embedded into blogs, articles or any other place where readers add comments. Social login via Google, Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft, GitHub and Yandex Login via email ...
Command lineEnvironmentDefaultDescription url REMARK_URL url to remark42 server, required secret SECRET secret key, required site SITE remark site name(s), multi store.type STORE_TYPE bolt type of storage, bolt or rpc store.bolt.path STORE_BOLT_PATH ./var path to data directory store.bolt.ti...
Command lineEnvironmentDefaultDescription url REMARK_URL url to remark42 server, required secret SECRET secret key, required site SITE remark site name(s), multi store.type STORE_TYPE bolt type of storage, bolt or mongo store.bolt.path STORE_BOLT_PATH ./var path to data directory store.bolt....
Command lineEnvironmentDefaultDescription url REMARK_URL url to remark42 server, required secret SECRET secret key, required site SITE remark site name(s), multi store.type STORE_TYPE bolt type of storage, bolt or rpc store.bolt.path STORE_BOLT_PATH ./var path to data directory store.bolt....
Command lineEnvironmentDefaultDescription url REMARK_URL url to remark42 server, required secret SECRET secret key, required site SITE remark site name(s), multi store.type STORE_TYPE bolt type of storage, bolt or mongo store.bolt.path STORE_BOLT_PATH ./var path to data directory store.bolt....
head||n.body;"noModule"in r?(r.type="module",c=".mjs"):r.async=!0,r.defer=!0,"/web/"+e[o]+c,d.appendChild(r)}}(remark_config.components||["embed"],document);</script>And then add this node in the place where you want to see Remark42 widget:...
Command lineEnvironmentDefaultDescription url REMARK_URL url to remark42 server, required secret SECRET secret key, required site SITE remark site name(s), multi store.type STORE_TYPE bolt type of storage, bolt or rpc store.bolt.path STORE_BOLT_PATH ./var path to data directory store.bolt.ti...