Remainder是英美法系中继承所有权的意思,这个继承所有权仅是指终生所有权a life estate而言,例如甲将不动产转让给乙,限定为a life estate这种,同时指定丙为remainder继承者,则乙死亡后丙为该不动产的继承者,所以Remainder对应的是a life estate这种情况。因为a life estate意味着reversions,是必然要取回的 estate...
It says that home ownership can be divided into two parts namely, a remainder interest and a life estate. It emphasizes that gifting a remainder interest in home is suitable for donors who are in their late sixties or older.DubesMichael...
详细解释: 以下为句子列表: 英文: An endowment can be funded all at once or over time, with gifts of: Cash. / Marketable securities. / Real estate. / Remainder interest in charitable trusts or annuities. / Life insurance. / Bequests. ...
An example is a life estate which allows an individual to own property after the prior estate experiences a natural termination. For instance, a father can grant future interest of an estate to his son but retain the rights to the property for the rest of his life. In this case, the ...
life estate is called the life tenant.When the measuring life ends,even if the life tenant is still alive,the person who owns the remainder is entitled to the full possession and enjoyment of the property.The interests may be contingent remainders, vested remainders, or vested remainders ...
The meaning of REMAINDER is an interest or estate in property that follows and is dependent on the termination of a prior intervening possessory estate created at the same time by the same instrument. How to use remainder in a sentence.
Contingent Remainder: A future interest in a property that is not guaranteed to become possessory. Executory Interest: A future interest in a property that will only become possessory if a particular condition is met. Life Estate: An interest in a property that entitles an individual to use and...
Related to Vested remainder:Future interest,Contingent remainder (Law)an estate settled, to remain to a determined person, after the particular estate is spent. - Blackstone. See also:Vested Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co. ...
The meaning of REMAINDER is an interest or estate in property that follows and is dependent on the termination of a prior intervening possessory estate created at the same time by the same instrument. How to use remainder in a sentence.
An estate in remainder which is limited to take effect, either to a dubious and uncertain person, or upon a dubious and uncertain event, by, which no present or particular interest passes to the remainder-man, so that the particular estate may chance to be determined and the remainder never...