Leave to remain is the permission granted to non-UK nationals to stay in the UK for a limited period of time. After a qualifying period of residency in the UK, you may then become eligible to settle and apply for indefinite leave to remain. What is limit
Home»永久居留 (Indefinite Leave to Remain) Last Updated: 2nd April 2018 永久居留权,俗称“绿卡”,获得此居留许可的人士可以在英国永久性安家定居,自由出入,享受所有社会福利,并可以在12个月后入籍。 申请条件: (以下类别的签证都可以在期满后申请永久居留权): ...
leave to remain in the UK a right that maybe unrestricted or limited. If it is granted subject to limitations, the conditions maybe varied or added to or revoked. An unrestricted leave to remain does not mean that the person concerned may not be liable to deportation in certain circumstances...
Discretionary leave to remain are generally applications made within the UK, however, you can also lodge applications from outside the UK but the consideration threshold for such applications is very high. The application is intended to cover compassionate and exceptional circumstances and should be us...
如果说移民英国是万里长征,那么当您在跨越重重障碍,消耗大量时间与金钱,与移民局各种“缠斗“之后,成功收到过签信:恭喜您,您的永居申请通过审批,从此您就是拥有ILR(Indefinite Leave to Remain)之人时,内心应该无比激动,同时也长舒了一口气:我再也不用辛苦准备移民申请,在等待移民局批复的过程中担惊受怕了! 但是...
“Indefinte Leave To Remain 英国无限期居留”是英国永居的官方表达,如同它的字面意思,允许你永久留在英国工作,生活,学习且不受任何其他签证限制。“无限期居留”通常只有几类长期签证下,满足一定时间期限,可以转换为永居类别签证。然而,如果你符合下列要求,你也可以获得无限期的居留身份: ...
再怎么解释,再用中文分析,也不如这 remain: 1.to continue to be in the same state or condition. Please remain seated until all the lights are on. 2.to stay in the same place without moving away. The refugees were allowed to remain in the UK. retain: 1.to keep something or continue ...
UK Permanent Residence/Indefinite Leave to Remain UK Citizenship and Naturalisation - How to apply Long Residence in UK Archive of old UK Visa Categories Generally speaking you should not have spent more than 180 days outside the UK in a 12 month period during the period of residence in the ...
Leave to Remain的剧情简介· ··· Things get wild at the 'VISA and immigration services' when Karim, a young Iranian father living in the UK is mistakenly threatened with deportation. Leave to Remain的演职员· ···(全部 3) 巴姆沙德·...