ReluxDesktop 2025 now available! Update now free of charge. ->more information With a rich history spanning decades, RELUX leads the industry in lighting planning and product presentation software. We are leaders when it comes to BIM solutions and participate in many national and international commi...
The tool is available in ReluxDesktop 2024.1. under the “Real-time Rendering” function, which opens in a separate window with its own controls. The dynamic view in the window is synchronized with the view in a ReluxDesktop project in real-time, and every moment in the rend...
Download penultimate version of ReluxDesktop Version2024.2.13.0|863 MB Download exe Download zip Manufacturer data of RELUX members We are delighted to be able to present you with the list of all our current members. You can download the manufacturer's data on this webpage. The service is only...
Compile your lighting and sensor plan in TinLine Plan. Define the necessary room parameters for the calculations. Thanks to the bidirectional interface to the Relux Desktop application, you obtain all the calculation results in the presentation mode you
Lighting planners will find a large number of luminaires and sensors in the large database, which are made available by Relux members on the ReluxNet database for planning purposes. The database provides you with a large selection of file formats.: R
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