Relume Ipsum is here to replace your Lorem Ipsum. Generate website copy quickly and easily using AI, all without leaving Figma. Visit website Watch demo video Join our Slack Community
RelumeIpsum是一个创新的Figma插件,为设计师和开发人员简化了生成逼真的网站副本的过程。通过将人工智能(AI)技术,特别是GPT-3与其专有算法相结合,RelumeIpsum在Figma设计环境中提供了无缝的内容生成体验。 主要特点: Figma集成:在Figma设计工具中无缝生成网站副本。 人工智能支持的内容生成:利用GPT-3技术与专有算法相...
RIP lorem ipsum. Wireframes with copy, translated into any language. Sue Lang • 49 minutes ago I’ve actioned all your comments. Let me know what you think! Reply Cross-team Collaboration Collaborate with the team and clients. Share projects and leave comments to streamline communication and...
Ready to export Copy any element or page and paste directly to Figma or Webflow. Editing super powers Edit copy or add new components from our library. You're in control, not the AI. AI copywriting RIP lorem ipsum. Wireframes with copy, translated into any language. ...