If youare new to reloading or a seasoned hand, it is a solid fact of life that there are some tools you just need to have to make the job easier. Sure you can literally hammer rounds together with crude tools or use primitive presses, you can weigh your powder on something that looks...
Not that this group isn't well established, but taking load data without some sort of reference to check is asking for trouble. There are all kinds of powder/primer combo's you can use, but spend $20 and just read and start to peruse loadings. You will learn something and be a lot ...
The .243 Winchester’s light recoil is a plus for shooters who are susceptible to recoil sensitivity. Handloading the .243 Win allows you to take advantage of the caliber’s versatility by customizing your loads. Reducing or increasing the powder charge and bullet weight allows you to meet ...
Store powder away from the bench to avoid mistakes or mixing. Carefully read and follow published reloading data. Verify that your loading manual is open to the proper page for the cartridge you are loading. Don't play "inventor." Never attempt to reload without immediate access to a ...
Powder manufacturer's reloading data is quite good; see the Alliant and Hodgdon web sites. There are powder preferences by specific load and reasons for those preferences, but that is a story for another day. Of the shotshell reloading books, the 4thedition of the "Lyman Shotshell Reloading ...
Therefore, for equal powder-charge weights, there is more or less surface area to ignite, depending on the quantity and configuration of the powder granules. Typically, the maximum surface area exists at ignition, and it decreases during the few milliseconds the propellant burns. That’s why ...
Unique 904.3 9.2Notes: Velocities figures are derived from a ten-round average recorded on a Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph G2 placed 15 feet from the muzzle. Velocities will vary for each loading depending on factors such as bullets, powder and primers used. Abbreviations:(AV): ...
9 grs Unique 180 gr swaged HP 41 S 1069 Ok 10 grs Unique 215 gr cast SWC 1232 *pistol - good load 10 grs Unique 215 gr cast SWC 1427 *rifle - nice load 6 grs Unique 215 gr cast SWC 41 S 839.75 consistent 6 grs Red 215 gr cast (new powder) 772.3...