Polymer-coated lead-alloy bullets have been with us for a very long time, and the recent introduction by Federal of its Syntech ammo has gotten a lot of attention from shooters. Two things should be remembered. They should not be pushed to higher velocities than uncoated hard-cast bullets, ...
ISO11124-3High Carbon Cast Steel Shot and Grit. Specifications For Steel Shot/ Steel Grit /Steel Cut Wire Shot Steel Shot S70-0.2mm; S110-0.3mm; S170-0.5mm; S230-0.6mm; S330-1.0mm; S390-1.2mm; S460-1.4mm; S550-1.7mm; S660-2.0mm; S780-2.5mm; S930-3.0mm C...
Loading data for full-power 240s is easy to find. It is what everyone aspires to load and shoot. For the longest time I stuck with 2400, loading 18.5 grains over a lead or jacketed bullet. You can expect more than 1,300 fps out of an 8-inch barrel, just about 1,300 from a 6...
I seated the different bullets tested to the maximum length possible that allowed the round to fit and feed reliably from the magazine and also not jam the bullet ogive into the A7's chamber throat leade. The lead-free bullets were seated so that they were at least fifty-thousandths of an...
Reloading equipment companies have a lot of new items, everything from new load data to component bullets, powders and brass to powder dispenser systems and more. Here's a Top 10 list of the most interesting products to help you "roll your own" cartridge
The invention relates to an open-cast method of directly reloading several discs in the winning of coal and other minerals as well as a special conveyor belt for carrying out the method. The essence of the method according to the invention consists in the fact that an inner stockpile is ...
Weight 13.02 lbsLEE CLASSIC TURRET PRESS CAST IRON 0.61 lbLee Precision Safety Primer Feed Large and Small 2.2 lbLee Reloader Press, Cast Aluminum, Gunsmithing Tools & Accessories 1.3 lbLee 350 Legend Pistol 3-Die Steel Set 0.4 lbDie for Cases Lee Decapping D 560"x 3.125" L 0.49 lbLee...