just as the trigger is about to break, someone opts to shoot their 300 Win Mag in the next bay and it rattles my fillings and there goes the shot. So now what? Does that mean I should load 10+ rounds of that powder charge just in case? and if something messes up, start that ...
It’s most suited for full-case charges in the .270 Win., 7mm Rem. Mag., .30-06, or .300 Win. Mag. with medium- to heavy-weight bullets. But will it perform safely and reliably in smaller- capacity cartridges, such as the .308 Win., 7mm Mauser, or .244 Rem. cartridges? The...
Once I start using a proven load, I’ll usually just enter the date of the next reloading session and note that I used the same data as the previous session. For example: “15 Mar 17. Loaded 50 rounds of 260 Terminator w/ 5x-fired brass to same specs as 5 Jan 17.” No need to...