另存为map文件,命名为yangcong.mrc。 2、打开volume viewer,点击features-coordinate,显示voxel size(此例子中是1.07),如下图所示。 3、例如要把pixel size改为2.14,box改为400 pixel。在有RELION的电脑上输入以下命令: relion_image_handler --i yangcong.mrc --o yangcongnew.mrc --angpix 1.07 --rescale_an...
2. 打开volume viewer,显示voxel size(示例中为1.07),并查看其显示效果。3. 若要调整参数,如将pixel size更改为2.14,box设为400 pixel,可在RELION环境下执行以下命令:relion_image_handler --i yangcong.mrc --o yangcongnew.mrc --angpix 1.07 --rescale_angpix 2.14 --new_box 40...
Downloaded the J###.volume.map_half_A and changed the box size to match with the particle size using the command: relion_image_handler --i J###.volume.map_half_A.mrc --new_box 288 --o J###new-box288.mrc Now I am using cryosparc-particles.star and J###new-box288.mrc in Re...
--box_size (64) : Working box size in pixels. Very small box (such that Nyquist is aroud 20 A) is usually sufficient. --keep_centre (false) : Do not re-centre the input --angpix (-1) : Pixel size (in Angstroms) --only_rot (false) : Keep TILT and PSI fixed and search onl...
Box size: 158 pixels Pixel size: 1.39 angs. Number of particles: 51,217 in data set (particles.star) where problem occurred; 127,702 total picked particles in larger data set, all boxes are the same size Description: small icosahedral virus ...
-- added ctf_toolbox... -- added display... -- added find_tiltpairs... -- added helix_toolbox... -- added image_handler... -- added localsym... -- added localsym_mpi... -- added maingui... -- added manualpick...