RELiON电池RB200 12V200A LiFePO4电池 我们的rb200是一个12V,200a锂深循环电池。这组8d磷酸锂铁锂电池(生命4)准备好取代你的重铅酸电池库在你的帆船,房车或太阳能系统。一个真正的200安培小时锂替代电池只提供了61磅,它提供了的额定容量。rb200使你能够灵活地在一个容量的单元中替换几个小型的重铅酸电池。 生...
Documentation The RB24V100 Is Great For Powering Marine Renewable Energy Backup Power Related Products RB24V200 24V 200Ah LiFePO4 Battery Learn More RB24V52 24V 52Ah LiFePO4 Battery Learn More We're Invested In Our Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries...
The new RB100-HP, a Group 31 12V, 100Ah deep cycle lithium-Ion battery built for starting and cycling of marine and RV applications, has increased peak amps for starting motors, electric start generators and other high-amp-draw devices.
The LT Series lithium iron phosphate batteries are cold-weather performance batteries that can charge at temperatures down to -20°C (-4°F). How? The system features proprietary technology that draws power from the charger itself, requiring no additional components. The entire process of heating...
RELiON Lightweight Lithium Batteries Make Chittum Skiffs Better Lithium batteries are considerably lighter and more compact than traditional lead-acid or AGM options, providing a significant advantage for Chittum Boats. RELiON supplies some of the most trustworthy batteries on the market, ensuring you ha...
Once you know how much energy, current and volts you will need, you have to find the battery that best suits your needs. Lithium batteries outperform lead acid batteries that have similarly rated specifications across the board, giving you more bang for your buck. To learn more about how to...