This research examines the division of one religious-Zionist elementary public school in Israel. Led by the Parents鈥School Committee (PSC), discussions soon resulted in a fierce religious culture war between two groups of liberal and co... S Elgadklonsky,E Tamir,SP Heyneman - 《International ...
Indeed, sadism has been characteristic of the Zionist colonists’ treatment of Palestinians since the 1880s, as even Zionist leaderscomplainedat the time. This sadism and the sexual torture that often accompanies it are rooted not only in...
I provide a case study illustrating this fusion by fleshing out through Christian Zionist discourses how they imagine themselves to be a religious nationalism diaspora despite living in America and performing a "civic" secular constitution-based nationalism. It is this imagination and identification ...
Finishing off the top 5 is religious flick The Forge with anirreligiousweekend take-home of $6.6.— Bethy Squires,Vulture, 25 Aug. 2024From its earliest days in the nineteenth century and until the Holocaust, the Orthodox rabbinate in eastern Europe was not enthusiastic about the Zionist movem...
The coalition government consists of six political parties—Likud, United Torah Judaism, Shas, Religious Zionist Party, Otzma Yehudit, and Noam—and is led by Likud’s Benjamin Netanyahu, who has taken office as the Prime Minister of Israel for the sixth time. With the exception of Likud, ...
105 Another textbook for boys for Tenth Grade on Hadith and Islamic Culture contains a lesson on the "Zionist Movement." It is a curious blend of wild conspiracy theories about Masonic Lodges, Rotary Clubs, and Lions Clubs with anti-Semitic invective. It asserts that the Protocols of the ...
* Paper presented at the Yeshivah University for the Department of Torah, Culture and Education of the World Zionist Organization and the Rabbinical Council of America, February 23, 1953.doi:doi:10.1080/0021642530240209GoodsideSamuelJournal of Jewish Education...
Progressives have bought fully into Hamas’s claim that “The cause in its essence is a cause of an occupied land and a displaced people” and that “The Zionist project is a racist, aggressive, colonial and expansionist project based on seizing the property of others... hostile to the Pa...
I say all of that only to prove my bona fides with the Religious Right. So, know that I am speaking as an insider, not as a critic from the outside.The first time I remember hearing the word Zionist in public was in 1980. We were at a press conference in Washington, D.C., and...
Thisis whyAl-eAhmad,aftertheSix-DayWar of 1967, changed frontsin favorofthe“Pales-tiniancause”withequaleaseas manyintellectualsin WesternGermany.Thetravelogue waspublishedin 1984by Al-eAhmad’sbrotherShamsin theIslamicRepublicof Iran.At theendof thereport,thereisananonymous anti-Zionistti-...