Barrack Obama - June 2007 Jesus said, "If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you, before My Father." Helpspread the word Home PRIVACY STATEMENT- This websiteDOES NOTuse spy ware.You are NOT tracked!Hit-counters are used to monitor activity; butTHAT'S ALL!You will not be ...
Christmas, Personal, Quotes, Religious Merry Christmas! December 23, 2022 Violet Nesdoly Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas to all the readers of my blog! Thank you so much for coming by and sharing a few minutes with me almost weekly. I wish you all the blessings of the season--safety, ...
Religion has been both used as a vehicle for agent for change and an obstacle against change. For example, slavery in the U.S. was maintained by white slave owners referencing bible versus defending t... Godawa (2009) quotes Geoffrey Hill's comparison of the modern movie theater to a rel...
DISCLAIMER:We have referenced and linked to Lighthouse Trails Research [LTR] for direct quotes from these teachers. We appreciate LYR’s research on New Age Emergent and Contemplative trends in religion — However we regret to say that they do not take a position opposing the lie of Lordship ...
51. Johnny Cash's Love Letter to June Carter Cash (1994) "But once in a while, like today, I meditate on it and realize how lucky I am to share my life with the greatest woman I ever met. You still fascinate and inspire me. You influence me for the better. You're the object ...
“For having hidden Himself for us in the inner principles of existent things, [God] is correspondingly spelled out by each visible thing as if by letters. [The Divine] is wholly present in all together in the fullest possible way and completely in each individually, whole and undiminished.”...
The Bluest Eyeby Toni Morrison The story of a black girl in America whose love for its blond, blue-eyed children can devastate all others. First published 1970; won the 1993 Nobel Prize. About Discuss Members Recommend Three Days in Juneby Anne Tyler A new Anne Tyler novel destined to ...
The Arizona Republic quotes Jan Olav Flaaten, the Lutheran pastor who directs the Arizona Ecumenical Council, who observes that “most religious groups are not concerned that the government overstretches in church-state relations” on this front. He added that he could think of no other group ...
June 2023 Enriching Penny, Australia June 2023 Transformative Melinda Australia May 2023 17th. Wonderful tour. Thanks for everything. Andrea, Budapest/ Dublin. May 2023 17th. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Betty, Enniskerry. May 2023 16th. It is nice being here. Thank you. ...
This year’s China (Xiamen) International Stone Fair is rescheduled for early June, which should have been held early March, because of the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic in central China’s Wuhan and beyond. As of March 5, there’s no new case report for the 18th consecutive day in Xiame...