Using The Bible NIV version to get the quote Here are the two Gospels passages for you to choose from: Matthew 4:1-17 — Jesus's Temptation in the Wilderness and the Beginning of His Ministry Matthew... Report on Your Experience in the Discussion Forum: Formal Report - Encounters &...
The following quote is from a Luminosity article entitled, Types of Religion (2015): Religion adds meaning and purpose to the lives of followers, granting them an appreciation of the past, an understanding of the present and hope for the future. This is a natural reaction by many people to...
Unlockexplanationsandcitation infofor this and every otherNorth and Southquote. Plus so much more... Get LitCharts A+ Ask LitCharts AI Hello! I'm LitCharts AI I can answer any question aboutNorth and Southinstantly. Sign up for LitCharts A+and get 25 answers per month. ...
I have arrived at the point where I can wholeheartedly (thus unreservedly) agree with prolific and brilliant philosopherLarry May’s statement that Thomas Hobbes is “arguably the greatest systematic philosopher to have written in the English language.” If that be too extravagant for you (e.g....
Here I shall simply quote Howard-Snyder, who states it most clearly: one can have faith that p but lack a tendency to be surprised upon learning it's not so; disappointment, yes, but not surprise. However, one cannot believe p while lacking a tendency to be surprised upon learning it'...
Allow me to quote: ‘Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the ...
Developing nations often go through with mining operations because they need the capital these operations bring without thinking of the environmental impacts. Given that mining is an expensive venture to undertake, the returns are sometimes low. Global NGOs who study developing nations, such as Oxfam...
Let me quote from something I wrote in an earlier work [he gives the reference]: 'On the dark path that man has to walk here, he is granted just as much light as he needs for the next steps he has to take. More would only dazzle him, and light from the side would only confuse...
No, we do not have evidence that Columbus approved of and participated in sexual trafficking of young native girls. The single quote supporting this conclusion, in its full context, is at worst neutral and is arguably actually criticizing the practice.Columbus’ 1500 letter to Doña Juana de ...
Yet his clear thinking and clear speaking did not seem to be reflected seen in the wider leadership of the church. He said he was “horrified” to learn from a television documentary that non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) were being used to silence people raising complaints of racism within the...